Thirsk & Malton Area Constituency Committee
17June 2022
Data Profile for Thirsk & Malton Area Constituency Committee
Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)
To enable committee members to review key data for the committee area and determine whether any issues highlighted in the data profile merit further investigation and inclusion on the committee work programme.
2.1 The data pack at Appendix 1, provides a statistical overview of your Area Constituency Committee, including key statistics on Population, Universal Credit, Housing, Crime, Health and Wellbeing, Education and Skills, Economy and Income, Fuel Poverty, Transport, Air Pollution and Carbon Footprint. Included is key comparator data for Yorkshire and the Humber and England.
2.2 A version of this data pack was last brought to the Area Constituency Committees in May 2018. At that time, the committees used the data to inform the development of the work programme.
2.3 Individual data packs have been produced for each Electoral Division and will be circulated following this meeting.
3.1 The data pack is based upon a Local Insight tool developed by Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI), using open data published by government. This open source data provides some helpful indications about some of the key issues experienced by people living and working in the area. It may also help inform how the work of the committee develops as the new unitary authority for North Yorkshire is established.
3.2 Further consideration could be given regarding any questions raised by the data provided in the pack, whether there are any issues that require further investigation and whether any items can be identified for inclusion in the committee work programme.
4.1 That the committee members review the data identifying any issues of concern for follow-up, further investigation or for addition to the committee work programme
4.2 That committee members consider how this data, information and analysis can help develop their understanding of the local area and, in turn, how this then informs the development of the roles and responsibilities of the Area Constituency Committees in the new North Yorkshire unitary authority.
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)
25 May 2022
Report Author: Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager.